Herzlich Willkommen!Waldim Wandel - 125 Jahre Engagement

Seit 1899 im Einsatz für den Wald

H26: Modern forest management in Europe: Cases from ALTERFOR-project and policy strategies

The ALTERFOR-project optimizes forest management models for different forested areas in European countries. The international consortium of scientists and stake holders in forestry will develop alternative forest management models in ten case study areas. Each area represents different forest management practices and socio-ecological conditions across Europe. ALTERFOR is a large-scale, collaborative research project funded under the EU's Horizon 2020 research programme, coordinated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and involves twenty organisations from nine countries. The sessions in the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden will provide information about cases of modern forest management in Germany, Italy and Sweden. Furthermore you will discuss policy strategies for innovative forest management, e. g. with representatives of the IIASA and the EU-Commission.

Seminarleitung: Dr. Peter Biber (Technical University of Munich), Prof. Dr. Max Krott (University of Göttingen)

Sonstiges: englischsprachige Veranstaltung im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum Dresden, kein Exkursionsbeitrag!